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Whole grain weight loss -

01-02-2017 à 15:35:19
Whole grain weight loss
I have diabetes and did not eat twinkies and little processed sugar. I was raised that way, and lived on a terrible diet for many years. Additionally, the consumption of whole-grains (the opposite of what you get with bleached, white rice or the soaking process described above) has been proven to help with other deficiencies such as the under-consumption of healthy fats which have numerous health benefits (THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE, NOT THE SOLE BENEFIT). The quote you posted is even less relevant when you consider there are athletes following low carb diets (and getting some pretty high performance out of them, since if your body is adapted to burning fat, you have a far more vast source of stored energy than you would with glycogen). I now only use spelt flour for baking and eat only (1 slice a day) of sprouted spelt bread (which also has spelt sourdough in it). Not only are these substitutes more nutritious, but they also taste better (in my opinion). Additionally, there are absolutely no studies linked to this to give this credibility. When it is time to fatten up the cow with the four part stomach, what do they feed them. Or that a Snickers bar raises your blood sugar less than those 2 slice of whole wheat bread. Raw milk can cause significant problems, and those trying to decide if they want to consume it need to know about the consequences that can result before committing to the switch. This article ( ) talks about the link between rising consumption of wheat, sugar and vegetable oils and rising heart disease rates. She has things to buy, for a very reasonable price, to make things easier, but why not. Delicious, soft, easily digested end products where even intolant, sick, allergic people heal from. Whole grains can be a source of nutrients like b-vitamins, magnesium and others, but refined grains have most of these beneficial parts removed. I enjoyed reading the article and found it very informative. Also i think seawead that the asians got their iodine content from has a massive phytic content so im interested in knowing what their 7 day meal plan would have been like if they did eat seaweed frequently or not etc. We know that statistically we are consuming more grain products in general (both whole grain and refined grains) and that corn and wheat are two of the top 5 most consumed foods in the United States. Not too long ago I discovered that I had rheumatoid arthritis and did a lot or research on the problem. Actor Michael Clarke Duncan was a vegan, but he died from complications following a severe heart attack. Especially when they are not educated for it and are just passing by. Using ketones to generate energy is a back-up plan and generally bad for your body. When you run out of assumptions paranoia is all you have left. What you have posted concerning grains, sums up my experience over the last year or so. We know that too much is bad, but we also know that there IS an acceptable low level somewhere out there. But nothing is as black and white as many comments on this blog are making it. On the other hand, for someone trying to lose weight or recover from diabetes. I am curious to see the evidence that supports your claim that your body processes it differently. There are no vegan foods sources that provide any significant amount of B12. But in America, maybe there is no other way, but to cut it out. will do these. I still read all the things I can about health and hope to improve my health even more than I have. In my opinion, the cons are just way too risky. , until now. We are also eating far too many processed foods, and foods that secretly contain sugar. Whenever possible, I use vegetables in place of grains. Further compounding the mineral issue is the fact that phytic acid content remains unaffected in dwarf wheat. Taking good quality vitamins and trying to exercise. Price Foundation ever, is a mystery to me. This confuses people a lot about what to eat and not to eat. The problem there is that autism is not in itself recognized as a disease. The other side of the coin: Grains are good for humans. If it is due to removing the grains and extra carbs, it should go away in a few weeks. If you are hungry on low carb diet, it usually means you are not getting enough fats with your protein. Good information for free should be extolled not attacked. My bachelors degree is in Nutrition and Health and in all the research I have done I have never found anything that shows that whole grains are not healthy. You can find something wrong with just about anything if you look hard enough and consume enough of it. Dr. It took me around 3 days to feel noticeably better, however for the first 3 days I was in a fog. We nowadays live longer than man has EVER lived (this peaked with the baby boomers), so to say that we need to alter our diet to a time when our ancestors lived HALF as long is mind-boggling in its assumptions. For good health you should have right balance of good and bad icosanoids. Grass-fed, minimal antibiotic (only when sick rather than just for kicks and giggles) cows milked manually, rather than by machine are going to produce a very different product than cows that are force-fed corn as the basis of their diet, pulled into stalls in herds (if not just fed and locked in them permanently) and pumped with machines that are only required to be cleaned once a month. I plan on cutting out all grains in my diet. how you think about things) and disease that medical professionals often overlook. MyPlate is not just tracking calories - it is getting smart about your diet and nutrition. Heath: Nobody here has discussed being either a vegetarian or carnivore solely. I am studying to be a psychologist and the comments you have made thus far make me scared that you are in fact a trained psychologist. Apparently we are doing something wrong for all major diseases to be virtually out of control. The Inuit Eskimo can spend most of their lives in ketosis while following their traditional diet with no ill effects. Also, since you typically lose some water weight making a change like. Hello, I just dicovered your wesbite and love it. They provide an invaluable recourse to traditionally prepared food. Doctors like I had growing up no longer exist, asking: so how do you sleep. Many of the diseases are greatly influenced by inflammation which grains seem to play a big part in. I also have clients on personal nutrition plans. I am so encouraged to try this for my family. Clearly there is not a single solution to health. If all foods are bad, then what the heck are we supposed to eat. Kibble sticks to the dogs teeth causing decay. An internet blogger is irresponsible not to recommend that you do so. No point in risking re-establishing major, vaccine-prevented sickness by creating an unsubstantiated paranoia about vaccines. All of the information above is taken from a research paper I wrote based on scientific studies published in peer reviewed journals. I stopped eating grains,potatoes and legumes recently and I feel stronger. Tools make us more efficient and strength, as represented by the development of muscle groups, is a function of use. Apparently, if one is able to properly adapt to burning fat (by restricting carbohydrate intake), a lot more physical energy can be available to an athlete (or non athlete for that matter). I have done this diet and from it have managed to work out the foods that I am intolerant to. Wellness Mama its a pleasure to meet you. And the only reason this was thought of to begin with is that the symptoms of ASD are noticed around the same time that vaccines are given. Natto from our japan friends will also boost your K2 level. Dr. I would cut out processed grain but would definitely keep eating wholegrains (wheat germ and embryo and bran intact). There are many varieties and the most common are wheat, corn, oats and rice. So grains are not easily digested for the livestock either. Dairy cows are not locked in stalls permanently. If you truly dig into this subject you will realize that less is more in all ways. Coconut water is so healthy as is that fermenting it is not necessary. Moreover, gluten is only problematic if one has a sensitivity to it, similar to those with an intolerance to lactose. Even after grains became more mainstream during the agricultural revolution, grains were allowed to sit in the fields for several weeks before thrashing. When that happens to my daughter, her blood sugar has been running too high. I use yogurt fermented for 24 hours, which reduces the lactose to almost nil. I assumed, from her comment, that she already is under the care of a doctor and thus knows that her child is underweight. If you mix in an extra tablespoon of oil it makes a wonderful base for a salad dressing. But sadly they have to proof of most of that. It was made from grains is all you can say. They use their minds not the computers at home and. The doctor had prescribed anti inflammatories for me which caused major breakouts on my face and neck and into my hairline. But I promise you, in my country, meat is raised very, very ethically. First off I want to say I am so glad I seen it. Led by celebrity trainer Nicky Holender, each workout emphasizes a different aspect of exercise, including. Your post is insulting to anyone with a biology degree. While I highly appreciate the zeal and amount of research put into this no-grain mindset that seems to be becoming very popular, I would not recommend anything other than a balanced diet of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates (including grains). Whether the insulin thing is true or not, well, maybe. Not that i advise a high carb diet, but the occasional grain in the diet is what i intend. Typically too much even of a good thing is not good. Davis said, grains are not just bad, they are VERY destructive to the human body. Eat tons of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. We evolved because we ate animal protein and evolution favoured cultures who had access to it. ( source ). Sorry but if you know anyone with diabetes you would know that you can get diabetes from eating grains. Focus on veggies, protein, and fat as the main source of nutrients for a while and then slowly add goodies back in until you find a good balance that works for you. It appears to me that your statistics are all based on the overconsumption of grains, mainly processed refined grains. Medication needs to be found that allows these cells to become metabolically normal, to be able to prevent protein aggregation and improve cellular clean-up. I had to laugh when I read your reply Manda, I do hear what your saying completely. C. I typically eat vegan meals but not always, as sometimes I add dairy and egg products. As Dr. Just losing the sugar cravings is worth it. Unfortunately that may discredit absolutely everything I say. Try again. A lot of studies and results are skewed in favour of whoever is doing the study. When I stopped it at that time it stopped all the symptoms I had. Instead of eating the doughnut you are replacing. And no, turning it into a salad DOES NOT work as an alternative. However, I also understand that a huge percentage of vegans do start to eat meat again because they have become so unwell on a diet void of animal proteins. Price called Activator X. None of it tastes as good as skinny jeans and great energy and clear skin FEEL. Jesus made loaves of bread for people to eat. It does provide 30% of the RDA for calcium, which is why I drink it. But I have to say the six weeks I was grain free were tremendous. Until relatively recently, the traditional medical establishment viewed dietary fat as the cause a host of diseases and encouraged people to essentially avoid it at all costs. Steve Jobs was a vegan, but cancer killed him. Just Google Raw Milk and see all of the benefits form it. But there is growing research now that fat based diets and being adapted to burning fat may be even better for some types of athletes. Even my Dr. I believe there may be something to what you are saying. There was this chap on You Tube that spoke briefly about a Paleo style diet having beneficial affects for people with elevated serum uric acid. Additionally, sprouted grains activates the phytase enzyme in the plant, thus reducing phytic acid. You are extolling the virtues of man made vitamins and minerals added to flour. As a healthy size French lady, this is true. We eat protein in some form everyday, just a little. What a wonderful life to never eat a piece of pizza at a party, to never munch on popcorn at a movie, to never actually accept a baked good from a hostess. I eliminated all grains including rice corn soy dairy potatoes and any nightshades. Everyone is different and different things work for different people. Get full nutrition blood tests before and after the diet to compare the levels of nutrition and see any other health improvements. While some processing that has been developed in the past several decades can decrease the nutritional value of a food item, there are some processes that make food much safer (such as pasteurization). Personalized meals tailored to your calorie and weight-loss goals. People that have a lectin sensitivity or intolerance would. Just focus on eating whole grains and smaller portions in general. My question is, according to nourishing traditions, and I believe on your site as well, soaking wheat grains to make sourdough bread is okay. All I did was stop eating grains. And people that were gluten intolerant could eat his bread with no problems. I did just that and to my surprise it worked. I think those who dont have optimal health should have the right to try grain free for themselves without negative opinions. So, as you attempt to shoo me away, we continue to go back and forth between fact and fallacy. Oh, yes, the government did take a couple billion dollars from drug companies and set up the vaccine fund to help pay for damages from vaccine use. The vague comments not backed up by any evidence whatsoever by Wellness mama. FYI, WellnessMama makes money every time we visit her site. I find it is hard for my body to digest a lot of animal products, even when consuming fermented foods. Unfortunately our so called regulatory agencies are for the most part corrupt. In fact I believe we have flushed out a more significant point. If you want to lose weight, eat healthy foods, of which whole grains are a part, and Twinkies are not and EAT LESS. Attributing grains to the current rise in obesity is far too black and white. I may try the no grain trial for the rest of the summer. Actually, gluten is a protein composite, though there are obviously carbohydrates in grains as a whole ( ). I was thrilled to come across your artical on grains as i too discovered in 2009 by my lifestyle consultant who too believed the same about grains. My problem has always been, consuming enough calories to maintain the energy I expend through exercise. I have very serious Celiac and Diabetes and Tibicos (water kefir) is wonderful. It would only be a problem if grains were your only source of iron. Just eat sweet potatoes, sometimes mis-labled as yams. What would be the best rice alternative for a steamed veggie dinner. Cordain gives his reasons for why people should eat following the Paleo diet yet fails to back up his arguments with strong evidence. Pasta: I have shirataki noodles, mashed potatoes: I have pureed cauliflower, but how do you subsititue a sandwich. Google what kind of food industry government subsidizes. No one says that we should only eat one type of food (i. Coconut milk from one coconut has about 3-4 table spoons of coconut oil. I saw that program and stopped eating grains, whole or other wise. In Polynesia it is never fermented because there is a particular bacteria that can overgrow and cause illness. My girlfriend,Korean and all her family( brother, sister,mother,father) is more dead than alive. No wonder one feels so lethargic, slow, tired when restricting carbohydrate intake. This amount is easily obtained from plant foods. A great place for anyone to start their research is a book called Primal Body. I eat minimal fruits but loads of green fresh veggies and clean chicken fish beef pork and shellfish. These things we not fiddled with by governments for profit. You see, when you extract oils you are also leaving behind nutrients in the fibers that help the oils as whole. Yes you may lose weight, but you may not live longer. I ask because I eat ALOT of them so I am anxious to see what you say. Even though we met the gal he helped, my husband and I felt that with all my previous research and with the ability to continue, I could pull a plan together without working with a shady character. Their lifestyle has yielded more centenarians than any other on Earth today. Supplementing with vegetable juices will give you even more nutrition. I used to be one who would get lightheaded if I. The synergy in all the nutrients combined is what makes that fat healthy, not just one part of it. More and more doctors are saying to eat as few grains as possible because of the insulin spike that results. And protect us too from eating things like grain that will damage our bodies. We were not doing this at first, and you do feel like you are starving, and likely are just not getting enough fats. So, since a paleo diet largely eliminates fructose and. However, I do know that she seems to endorse Dr. So people coming on this website reading this thinking grains are all one big conspiracy, its not. Do enough to be able to eat some of the grains once a week and you will see amazing results. Taylor et al. Secondly, your comment about how grinding grain thus increasing its surface area makes it structurally similar to table sugar. This is a huge confounding variable that cannot be ignored in said association between grain consumption and rate of disease. Grains are simply the hard, edible seeds of grass-like plants. All the proteins that a person needs you can get from plant foods. So grains are slightly more healthier than flour. What about gluten free products such as bread, do I also have to avoid these. I currently study nutrition and exercise sciences at university. In the matter of a week she was beginning to feel better and at two weeks she looked and felt better. In my estimation you sit firmly, on the opposite spectrum of the barometer whence your fellow compatriots who advocate the use of medicine, and drugs in the food industry, thus take their crown. Dietetic Association does not advise against grains, unless there is an. Hi. And why do Paleo, no-grain people have to be so darn condescending. If you knead your own flour (however method you choose to use, machine or by hand) this converts the gluten to be bioavailable to our bodies. He charges thousands to put people through a program using these principles. If you need the scientific proof of the matter, Elaine Gottschall book breaking the vicious cycle. I tried eliminating wheat once upon a time. The standard approach to lowering serum uric acid has been to follow a low-purine diet. My question for you would be: why do you think it is somehow unhealthy not to consume grains. If you want information about autism go to Natural News and type in autism. Oh, just remembered, the production of serotonin in the body is directly related to having a healthy balance of complex carbohydrates, of which grains are a part. This phytic acid is found in the bran of all grains as well as the outer coating of seeds and nuts. I always eat a protein and a carb at the same time carb being fruit or veggies. Carbohydrates are the main fuel source for our bodies and our brains. I eat sprouted bread because from studies ive read gluten intolerance people can because they are sprouted. I understand that processed soy is bad but I thought the pods were okay. portions are just too large. Thanks to your site and others like it I have turned my life around. Biologically speaking, I realize that everyone is different and my grain consumption would not work for everybody. I was a sickly child who had Pneumonia when I was a baby. Not always, of course, nothing is ever black and white. Many farmers just break even or only have small profits so wasting antibiotics is not on the list. I agree that people are not eating as healthily as they should. (He is a heavy emailer, but every claim has the study he is referencing. We would have brown rice occasionally with dinner, or have gluten free breads when I had time to fix them. a. She had often been given antibiotics as a baby and child, and I suspect there could possibly be some connection with antibiotics as well as vaccines. Its hard for me, because nowadays it seems like the norm in society is that everything is bad for us. Thank you. And we can heal if we stop listening to the contradictions, lack of experience and knowledge from the propaganda and misinformed field of science. The emotional roller coaster is definitely normal the first few weeks. Soaking them, you could improve your minerals absorption. Repeated and endless high blood sugars have the pancreas wearing out trying to constantly moderate what our obscene diets are doing. Humans are omnivores, our entire physiology is designed for foraging on both plant and animal matter. Eating natural makes sense to me, both animal protein and vegetation. Throughout history, in order for humans to consume plant based foods, which have varying levels of. If anything, they probably just ate more meat than the rest of the tribe. I rather eat grains to fill me up then kill other animals so I can satisfy my empty stomach. Unfortunately a lot of vegans and vegetarians are erroneous in their assumption that our bodies are not meant o digest meat. As with the consumption of most foods in the modern diet, everything in moderation (straight from the mouths of two REGISTERED DIETICIANS). There is a big difference in the phytic acid and lectin profile in rice compared to wheat, for one thing. Because it would seem like if grains were this harmful, they would have a long history of such diseases. Eat more healthy fats in the meantime to help lessen the carb flu. Too many associates have developed heart disease eating lots of milk and meat. Price, who studied numerous indigenous cultures, finding a whole host of healthy diets. Stronger is a challenge that requires your commitment and dedication. Historically, parents taught their offspring what was edible and what might kill them. Meat (especially shellfish) is a much better option anyway since, grains, soy and legumes (beans) are all also high in phytic acid. I think elimination of fermented food was one of the big mistakes of my body reconstruction plan. She hates sweet potatoes and they give her a bad tummy. Without the bran and germ, these new refined flours lasted longer on the shelf but contained much lower levels of nutrients. These disease states are by far not that simple. Please help with any suggestions of how to keep blood sugar at healthy levels while doing so. Take a look at cultures where grains (in this case rice) are a staple of their diets such as the Japanese. There is also evidence that many people in asian. I have an old edition of Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James F. The most rapid decline in western health can date to the industrial preparation of flour. I get light-headed when I switch to a diet filled with more greens. I come from a middle eastern family that eats bread with almost everything. 9 GPA. And this article (which is highly referenced) has a lot of information about how whole grains are not healthy. I believe that the two scientific assertions presented are incomplete. I open up one page of my human nutrition text book in the carbohydrate digestion and metabolism section, there states 120g of glucose (carbohydrate) is required for the brain of an adult. Maybe I should have made that more clear but the point remains. I am not a Celiac, but gluten and several other prolamines are problematic. So far, this is the most logical and truthful statement ive read on this blog. Why would you ever need to go all day without eating. The presence of gluten in the digestive tract stimulates satiety hormones, which is one reason why whole grains are recommended for weight management. I have ordered coconut flour and almond meal from amazon and will try to make my own in the future. Basically food manufacturers make food to be as addictive as possible. As someone who works in autism therapy, I can say for sure that vaccines and grains do not cause anyone to regress into autism. Blogs like this make me sad, because some people will read this and genuinely believe what it says, word for word, despite the lack of any kind of evidence to back it up. is absolutely wrong. I have lost 139 pounds in the last 18 months. I personally eat a lot of starchy vegetables, fruit and some safe grains like rice or seeds like quinoa when I need more carbs. As for phytates, they are considered to be anti-nutrients because they tend to bind with minerals, which can prevent their absorption. If you would like to keep spreading anti-grain propaganda, try having a fully rounded argument. Sweet potatos are enjoyed here and especially with coconut oil or homemade butter. Just wanted to get my ducks in a row on this topic. Since August 1st, I have lost 40 pounds without ever being hungry. I know of this sadly many dont listen they want to take a medication to offset the effects like heartburn, acid indigestion, acne, etc there is no magical pill you have to stop poisoning yourself. In your article you stated that grains do not have very many nutrients. The key is: exercise (cardio, tension, some weight-training) regularly, do yoga (or any spiritual endeavour), and eat as healthy as you can. There is definitely a connection between psychology (i. Just because westerners eat meat does not mean that is why they get sick. I do agree that we are also seeing an increase in obesity related disease (e. I do miss my Ezekiel Bread and oatmeal terribly. At the same time, they have reduced their traditional processing of grains, and added more processed elements just as we have in the past couple decades. Also, interestingly, one of the reasons often cited NOT to eat grains is that we have not been eating them for most of our existence on the planet. At the risk of losing all my teeth, I started to eliminate all sugar and fruits. In fact, this article and chart explain how increased glyphosate use on wheat crops may be partially to blame for the rising rates of celiac disease, comparing the increased incidence of celiac with increased glyphosate use. Side note: I run average of 4-5 miles a day and am not famished, tired or sickly. Additionally, your idea of varied comes across as. I cannot believe that you would prescribe this poisonous tripe to your fellow men. In order to have a scientific argument, you need to cite your sources. And Oats is not full of gluten. Furthermore, there are actually ways to decrease phytic acid content in how you prepare your whole grains. As I have read in the massive comment list on this post, the Asian cultures have been frequently noted, but even more I could add that the French Revolution was fought out of lack of bread. Just like when I had allergies, my body was trying to fight for no reason. (1998), which supposedly found a link between vaccinations and autism, was retracted from The Lancet. But as time passed we gradually went back on wheat. I make coconut flour bread and I love it. The ONLY thing that is achieved by posting such extreme ideas, is confusion in the areas of nutrition and health. However, this article claims only recently have the majority of the population been eating grain products, I highly beg to differ on this matter. I am now 66 years old and have had pimples ALL MY LIFE. Although there very well might be a health benefit. This thread has a lot of scientific backing and linked studies about the harmful effects of grains: if you are truly interested in the studies. To say otherwise would be a vast assumption that you cannot prove, nor do you have the authority to. I started eating them again because man, I love bread. Sauerkraut is also good, and very easy to make. It seems that the only carnivore in the history of planet Earth to let his mind get all worked up about how his hamburger felt when it was slaughtered is Man. I am getting old and having some health issues. I do agree that refined processed grains add to a slew of health issues, but not all grains are created equal and should be addressed accordingly. Just because an article say phytic acid passes through your body it missing the whole point and is hard to see your logic at all. There is a decent place available anywhere tho so just look for the one near you and stop supporting the places that are happy to fill up their shelves and stock with poison. He was almost widowed when we had thee little boys. We have done so since time began just about. You forget that corruption exists in the establishment and you falsely assume that everyone in it is honest and objective. copyrighted in 1997 that listed Celiac Disease as a rare disease. Ketoacidosis is a risk for type 1 diabetics and type 2 diabetics using insulin who fail to correctly adjust their dosage of insulin in response to lowered carbohydrate intake. There are deficiencies in places reling heavily on bread for food, and the science is pretty clear that it chelates many minerals (not just iron). What I would love to see is not what we can take away from our diets, but what we can add. Before that, life expectancy of a caveman was around 21. After 17 days so far, my energy levels and mood have been a roller coaster. Lots of omega 3 and much, much less Omega6 and 9. Ketones are metabolic end-products of fatty acid metabolism. when i cheat with breads and sugars i feel awful. The only food sources for B12 are animal products. I eat grains in their whole form and have no issues. I find this post extremely interesting because it is just not the conventional thinking when it comes to whole grains. Thank you Ken, I think your comment helps put perspective on a lot of dietary issues out in the media currently. Thank you for the vivid description of how animals are slaughtered. Convenient. Last: Unprocessed meat does NOT have trans fat. I am in the process of going grain free again. I remember for one full week, a friend of the family coming to the house and to give me a shot. Tried the brat diet. Actually regarding the phytic acid thing, it is somewhat proven (as is non-celiac gluten sensitivity) that it chelates minerals. Any Naturopathic or Homeopathic Dr. Now, with specific reference to the correlation of human strength to grain consumption. Of course the medical establishment, which profits from vaccines, is going to try to suppress and debunk the evidence that vaccines is linked to autism. Also i would encourage anyone to try this for the 90 days, like you suggest. Yes, can you have sprouted grain bread and tortillas like. Actually, there is not a thing wrong with occassional fasting. I explained in depth in this article how grains were traditionally prepared by different methods like soaking, sprouting and fermenting (think sourdough bread) that make the nutrients in grains more available to the human body and reduce the phytates that can bind to minerals in the body. Please live in the real world, This is not possible over the long term and it is ridiculously restrictive. They are one of the most-consumed foods worldwide and the primary source of nutrition and energy for many populations around the world. From what I am understanding, you are advocating a diet of meats, veggies, fruits maybe, and seems like some diary. Your just going from one extreme to another dropping a high carb intake and eating something high in fat. According to your reasoning we can eat tires, rocks, oil, and drink sea water and be fine. There is sugar in basically everything processed these days. I have more energy throughout the day, I have lost the craving to eat constantly, I can almost forget to eat. She writes what she wants because it gets people to her site. Those things were modified through breeding to enhance desirable traits. I wish these manufactuers stop messing with our food so they can make more money. Isolating the meat out of the picture is not the whole picture. Its interesting reading through the comments and hearing people complaining how hungry they are and how hard it is to switch to a no grain (low carb) diet. Someone mentioned it to me yesterday, so I was trying to do some research into it. Every time he came, I would start running away, but they always caught me and and in the end, I got the shot. It is said that 2 slices of whole wheat bread raise blood sugar levels higher than 6 teaspoons of sugar from the bowl into your mouth. Phytic acid preserves the grain while growing and is easily removed by soaking the grain overnight. Reading your post about grains is so true. There are a lot of correlational conclusions in the article. In that case bread was the only thing produced fast enough that could sustain the population, but even so french bread is still very much apart of their culture today and as far as I am educated, the French are quite healthy as a culture compared to Americans. Yes, do not train your children to become afraid of everything, but logic would tell you that educating your children on what is healthy and what is not in a balanced manner has to be more beneficial than leaving things as a knowledge free-for-all. when I introduced low-grain then no-grain eating in February) Could the hair loss be a result of the sudden (over 2 months spam) wight loss, or what other reason can you suspect. I had replied to a post about Nutrition during Pregnancy and my thoughts on grains as a graduate with a BS in Food and Nutrition. If everyone ate the best most natural foods and excluded grains think how much money would be lost by the makers, bakers, doctors, labs, etc. I think the link between autism and vaccination has pretty well been substantiated. Davis on PBS and heard this from other doctors as well. I tried eating completely Paleo for a few months and felt incredibly tired. I stopped eating sugar and salt but still had the swelling. Glucose is the functioning fuel of muscle and brain tissue. I loved your article on detoxing safely and it lead me here. And slaughter houses are not as kind to these animals as everybody thinks. Unsprouted grains provide nutrients that sprouted grains do not. In the end it would only make her site much stronger. Note: I am in my 4th year of my dietetic education at San Francisco State University with a 3. It was part of a detoxing process and the results were always health and not getting sick. I, for one, am not against grains, but each to their own. Filter out the hype (that makes for tasty reading) and try to take a logical view on these serious problems. It is seen in conditions in which the body produces excess ketones as an indication that it is using an alternative source of energy. But you wont know until you try, and give it your all. My husband thought I was crazy, but within 3 mths. Therefore, it is biased and an unscientific way to conclude the damage of meat. But I understand this is not for everyone and everybody needs to find out what works best for them when it comes to the consumption of whole grains. Thats a really interesting article but i have a few questions, i heard that the phytic acids are in the outer bran of the grains, which come off easily with soft milling or even hand milling. I have a friend who has severe celiacs and she only receives Holy Communion once a year at Easter then is ill for a considerable amount of time. When your blood sugars come down, it triggers other hormones to tell you to eat more carbs- your blood sugar is getting too low. So there is no correlation between eating grains and any sort of increase in the diseases you mention. Cites and sources espousing the benefits of grains include the Mayo Clinic, Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, and the Harvard School of Public Health. My husband found the not so good info. Ok, web friends, I need prayers, encouragement, best wishes, etc, to pull this off. I have not personally had any experience with grain free and being vegan. I personally have a seafood allergy, but I NEVER. Claims like those that you have been making deserve to be studied and to have papers exploring their credibility. Aside from the fact that the grains and flours we consume are fundamentally different from the ones our grandparents and great-grandparents consumed, we also prepare them much differently and this may also help explain the increasing rates of allergies and intolerance problems with grains. Also, getting involved in voting for and promoting new legislation to address these issues. I make coconut flour bread all the time and even my husband is eating. Your muscles use glucose and send pyruvate back to the liver so your liver can perform gluconeogenesis and create clicked using pyruvates. I have some great oceanfront property in Wichita, Kansas if any of your are interested. Foods that contain phytates other than grains are: beans, seeds, nuts, soy, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, coffee, and chocolate. The science of nutrition is constantly evolving, if you read peer reviewed journals written by doctors and scientists (not bloggers), there are hundreds of conflicting studies. It is a relative of the leafy green family such as spinach. The Palio folks do not for the most part. then I feel its right. Other than that, I do choose to forego the grain since I feel much better without it. Sprouted grains are considered to be the best way to enjoy low phytic acid whole grains. Just dipping my toes into a new grain free way of life. Why would we carry on a genetic trait that is useless. The more I test on myself, the more I realize grains just make me feel AWFUL. We really wanted to know what we were getting into so we researched like crazy. I told my doctor about this and was given a low dose diuretic (water pill) this did not help and when my hormones changed during my monthly cycle the swelling was worse. If you want to eat meat, then eat meat, just eat lean meat and eat it in moderation (because certain countries eat way too much, and those countries have higher rates of bowel cancer). On one hand, there are well-respected and knowledgeable PhDs, medical doctors and dietitians who believe that grain consumption is detrimental to health. I am a BSc biomedical science student (almost a graduate). No. I can honestly say that meat is not bad for me. I often bake with grain-free flours like coconut flour or almond flour, which are higher in protein and fiber and have been experimenting with cassava flour and plantain flour (sources of resistant starch). I figured it had to be something in our food. Gluten. Not from as far back as the dinosaur carnivores. e. Maybe they should cook and eat right before telling us our health and disease, which in turn leads us to trust doctors who only know how to prescribe meds instead of showing us the pathings to health. Try not to stress too much about this stuff. Also your ethics for teaching children how to eat is extremely flawed. On the other hand, I also think that not consuming any grains at all would not work for everybody. And as far as dairy, I think our relationship is over because of my skin, but unsweetened almond milk was going to be my go-to. Just because her child does not weigh as much as other children who eat differently does not necessarily signify a medical problem. Production of ketone bodies is a normal response to a shortage of glucose, meant to provide an alternate source of fuel from fatty acids. As far as consuming enough carbohydrates, there is some evidence that a severely restricted carb diet can cause this in some people, but a no grain diet does not by nature have to be low-carb and I know many people who eat a moderate carb diet without grains. I feel no need to cut out our beans and all our grains (most of which are sprouted). I have a complicated condition but after making 2 years of food and symptoms logging, I realised the whole grain breakfast i was having at certain times was the culprit. Processed grains can be enriched with synthetic forms of nutrients like folic acid (instead of the natural form of folate), iron and b-vitamins to try to make up for the nutrients removed during processing. I just took nutrition class, which is based in biology. My gut is saying that adding carbs in again will help balance my energy and mood. There are a couple things that I have specific reservations about. However not in abundance, as your very aware extre carbs are stored as fats. Before this time, grains were ground in whole form, often with stones, and the flour still contained all the components of the whole grain. So, being a vegan and not eating grains would only leave me eating fruit and vegetables. While hypothetically there are diseases that can be passed through milk, the CDC has yet to record one death from drinking raw milk. Having had said that I should also state that I did try (and am continuing with) Magnesium Supplementation (an idea that I got from her site) and it really has seemed to make a major difference in my health. With the r. I have been taking 1 tsp in water 1st thing in the am for about a month. I have been mildly nauseous, and having heart palpitations pretty regularly which i never have. If I ever get the chance to travel internationally, I will try grains in other countries out of curiosity to see how I react. and heart disease. Regulating portions as well as eliminating processed food is the most important thing to have an healthy diet. Research is important here, because the culprit seems to be genetics, not grains. So for that whole year she was sick,diarrhea, throwing up,fatigue,pale. Just found a great tasting black bean spaghetti. In addition, doctors know virtually NOTHING about nutrition. The problems with meat goes much further than just how many hormones have been pumped into the animal, or how they have been fed. Dairy causes the blood to become acidic and as a consequence, calcium is drawn from out of our bones to be put into our bloodstream, laying the perfect ground for osteoporosis. ). The process of grinding, and the subsequent increase of surface area, does not change the chemical structure of said substance. If people wish to be vegetarian that is fine and if it is balanced I think it is really healthy but saying that we should be that way because of design is nonsense. I have three organic gardens that provide vegetables almost. But with an increase in age, you see an increase in cancer. We evolved from that swamp to survive by eating what we could. In reality, too much of anything is bad for you and that is what this discussion is failing to miss. I stopped eating all grains (as well as starchy vegetables and starchy fruits) 28 days ago and never felt better in my life. This protein is nothing more than a powerful appetite stimulant which the food industry is VERY aware of. Like so many when evidence refutes your claims you just say the evidence is lies. I stopped eating breads and rice about 4 months ago. Lab produced vitamins, with the exception of a few of the B vitamins, are simply not assimilated into the body. Also, try using like a little less in your statements. Gluten free diets CAN manage behaviors in autism, if the child has a gluten sensitivity, eliminating grains makes them feel better and exhibit fewer outbursts or other behavioral issuesthat often stem from irritation. How is this diet any different from Atkins or low to non carb kind of diet. just my. Agreed, those are huge claims, and the same big claims have been made at some point in time over almost every other food group. I have read also that giving Tylenol after a vaccination can increase the risk of a child developing autism. Literally, deficiencies in certain amino acids cause diseases. Hi, this is all very interesting, but I LOVE carbs. You have to seek out and find the trustworthy sources that are suppressed but nevertheless there. I was just wondering if those are accurate assumptions and what you have to say about them. I have known people that have removed some of their intestines to live without the pain of colitis and other similar illnesses when all they had to do was cut these things out of their diet. Thing like meat, vegetables and healthy fats, on the other hand, can be consumed raw. If you are worried about phytic acid blocking absorption of other minerals in the gut, then eat the whole grains at a different time to consuming other foods (it is only when you eat whole grains with other foods that nutrient blockages can occur). It took the sudden death of my dear wife to wake me up. Anyone with any shred of knowledge of human epidemiology would not make a statement such as that one. N. Cordain really provides no longitudinal empirical evidence for his diet. I gave up wheat, sugar, rice, corn, and potatoes. To your other point: I Google very well, which is why my statements are all supported by evidentiary claims, supported by various members of the intellectual community. Girlie, I would love to meet you some day. Constipation bloating then the big d after. I make simple substitutes like using cabbage for noodles in spaghetti or sweet potatoes instead of noodles in lasagna. If you just ate potatoes, then that would be bad. One blog says whole grains is unhealthy, another one says whole wheat, milk and diary foods are unhealthy, another one says I should avoid eating breads all-together. What meal plans do you suggest for a vegan diet. Part of it said that your body is attacking itself. Well many of them live in Okinawa and eat high levels of seaweed. There are no nutrients (or fiber) that are not available in higher quantities from meat or vegetables. My choice to not address phytic acid was because it was irrelevant. org lists studies all the time. I now avoid those foods and have ZERO IBS symptoms, despite eating gluten. Seventeen plus years of research has lead me to believe I have candida albicans over growth. Articles and ideas like this give people a scapegoat for their own lack of self control. Depending on the study you review, at least 3. When bread lasts longer than a day you know you are eating rubbish, consequently French women are slim. I still have a hard knob on my bun, I assume, are scar tissues from where they stuck the needle in. If the grains cause abrasions and inflammation, the cholesterol gathers to try to heal it. Cholesterol is a major factor is some serious killers like atherosclerosis, heart disease, etc. I will be checking out the meal plans ASAP. The body is one machine perfectly made to be perfectly fueled. Animal protein is the worst protein for humans and the fact is our bodies are not designed to eat meat. a couple of the better ones are. It is pithy and cannot be missed in a mature coconut. You can say that eating too much meat is bad for you to as it can lead to gout because of the lactic acid in the meat, this also leads to kidney stones as well as possible problems. Grains are made up of three main parts: the hard outer layer or shell (called the Bran), the Germ (the core of the seed that provides nutrients when it sprouts and grows), and the starchy endosperm that provides a starchy food source for the growth of the seed. The Power of MyPlate - Graphs, Charts, and More. Thankfully since taking this out of our diet there has been a great turnaround in my family. Just try taking a walk through your local forest and eat a bit of everything you see. There are plenty of studies that could have been linked in. Im very intested in following a better and healthier lifestyle. And thank you wellnessmamma for your blog and kind acceptance of those who may disagree. Additionally, I never stated that cutting out grains was unhealthy. They eat lots of traditional foods and fermented foods. Common sense reveals what is and what is not good for your body. I by no means am trying to attack you personally or your philosophy, I am just super interested because your article certainly made me re-think a lot of my diet and I am in all honesty can see the logic behind grains being unhealthy just as dairy is often said to be also. And can you give some good carb choices for athletes that eat for recovery. One of the major notions and basis arguing that gluten is bad for you because it crosses the blood-brain barrier and binds and activates opioid receptors (oh those receptors that bad drugs like morphene bind), resulting in temporary feelings of well-being but eventual depletion of these receptors, and thus further health problems down the line. I realize that for many people, completely avoiding grains is neither desirable or practical, and it certainly may not be necessary for everyone. To anyone who has actually written a paper to prove anything, the use of the word like, demeans just about every statement. There are many benefits we are learning from certain properties found in grains. My dad used to have similar issues and thought he might even have IBS or Crohns disease (he still might) but after removing grains (especially gluten containing ones) he is free of the gastro problems. I mean just what the hell am I supposed to eat. I know this first hand from my job as a vet. You can only guess how many sick people do not know what makes them sick. We concentrate on veggies, dried organic oats for grain. You would be amazed at the connections you will find. No meat, no dairy, no oils, no refined sugar, no gluten. being exclusively a herbivore or a carnivore), but vegetables, meat, and healthy fats (quality dairy). told me that meat protein was beneficial for me. Despite what some of these people pushing a paleo agenda tell you, we still need carbs. But in addition to better diagnosing disease, the simple fact that we are living longer is creating more disease. Wellness Mama herself is just pushing her own agenda. The reason you get so hungry is that your insulin and blood sugar levels are going up and down like a roller coaster. Filed Under: Health Print Friendly This post contains affiliate links. Red meat contains creatine which has helped with increasing lean muscle mass. Maybe check out google scholar and leave out the vs while doing some serious research. But for us that are not diagnosed with any disease but are fat and Ill, try getting rid of the grains for 90 days. The issues that can arise from raw milk consumption have a lot more to do with what milk is being used for the testing. Trying to get enough calories in him on any day is a challenge. I have lived in France where bread is part of the culture, you buy your bread fresh, and you eat it on the day you buy it, try eating it the next day, and you will break a tooth. Also, my hair has started to fall out a few months ago (I lost about 12 lbs. It is common after a prolonged illness or stress on the body for people to lose hair as an indication they are healing. Read up on Rip Esselstyn, Dr Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr Neal Barnard, Professor T. I have an autistic child who has 3 autistic cousins. Similarly, lectin, which is found in dairy, nuts. I am not sure I entire agree with you about grains killing us- as there are many sides of the argument with this and other research and evidence that you may not have discussed. Since 1843, researchers in England have been conducting research called the Broadbalk Winter Wheat Experiment that has tracked many variables related to wheat cultivation, including fertilizer use, crop rotation and nutrient content. We actually limit dairy and stick to grassfed organic and raw dairy. Balch, M. Childhood is about exploration and discovery, not restriction. How do you feel about jasmine rice or white rice. Once again, if anyone needs info from mainstream medicine, REAd the book, WheatBelly, which is written by a cardiologist. Your opening paragraph made no mention of comments made by other shoppers. We all personally know scores with heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, Alzheimer, diabetes, auto immune diseases, etc. And we have to get it from food sources as our bodies cannot manufacture it. Depending on what is causing the issues, this might really help. Grains are a controversial food in modern society, but the real problem with grains may not be what you think. I eat mostly meats and vegetables, and fruits. We all seem to stick by (and fight for) the diets that work for us. This includes natural foods, cutting down sugars and salts, etc. Just be careful what you teach your children. I think there has been a lot of misinformation and really bad studies with incorrect conclusions fed to us (and even to our doctors who get their information from the drug reps) and especially companies like Monsanto, etc who make their billions of dollars from grains. We are a week and a half into going grain free and dairy free and learning as much as we can. What would be your suggestion for increasing energy while eating grain-free. Actor Michael Clarke Duncan was a vegan, but he died from complications following a severe heart attack. Try something and if it works for you. Been doing most of what you say for a few months and the benefits are worth it. I think sprouting and fermenting like with sourdough bread is definitely the best option for those who can handle properly prepared grains. Post on this coming soon, but there are several reasons. I had gone grain free for six weeks this summer, and then fell off the bandwagon when on vacation and were served dishes by extended family members that included grains. Carbohydrates are needed in the brain and heart.

Sure you can eat other foods but hard to get enough nutrients and calories from them. This shows we were engineered to eat meat. We use coconut flour around here, though certainly not every day. Those that couldnt adapt to this diet or high insulin use died out over a millennia ago (orientals have much bigger adrenals than westerners precisely because of this). Better to just eat healthy whole foods like meat, veggies, fruits, sweet potatoes, etc. And I do eat coconut oil and plenty of animal fat. We were considering it but would have had to get a loan. Additionally, the body of scientific evidence asserts that Phytic Acid passes through our digestive system unused. I also make coconut flour lemon poppy seed muffins. I notice the same problem with my hair slightly falling out. I never stated that I believe cutting grains out was 100% unhealthy. Follow the link above to get a better idea of how much of what you. Of course people are being diagnosed with more diseases these days. Pre-harvest application of the herbicide Roundup or other herbicides containing the deadly active ingredient glyphosate to wheat and barley as a desiccant was suggested as early as 1980. What I put in my body is what I get out of it. No offense intended here -just my own experience and knowledge having lived it out and seen it around me. High grain (11 or more serving) FAD which did nothing but make people fat an increase diabetes and some how the medical society can figure out. Can you point us to this evidence that human teeth were designed for crushing and grinding grains. Just wanted to be sure people knew that living grain free is only ONE way of improving your life and eating healthy. In the beginning of 2014 as very good friend of mine told me to put her on a gluten free diet. I suggest you for your sake and your kids do other research than to listen to the anti grain movement. What about the recent news that brown rice has arsenic in it. But as Welness Mama said, try it and see if you like it. I have been getting allergies over the last few months an dnoticed it when I eat a wholesome wheat btread. Food cravings as well will take a while to subside, but I can attest to dropping 12 pounds, going from 38-36 pants, having energy levels that allow me to keep pace with ANYBODY, and this is all in less than 60 days and while I still eat like a very hearty horse. I will never drink raw milk again after getting severe food poisoning from it. Signs of ketoacidosis are thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, nausea and bad breath. The use of tools and reduced the need for humans to be any stronger to survive. (Disgusting. People who eat vegan diets will eventually suffer from B12 deficiency unless they take artificial supplements. I hate to hear people talking about correlation vs causation with. Reading your article has given me the information I needed to get out of this stuck place, and to move on to healthier choices. Thanks for the encouragement to keep going this direction. And there is no proof gluten harms people only some. Balch, C. Looking forward now to a craving-free and healthy life. There was an article a couple years back in the NY Times Magazine about an artisanal bread baker that grinds his flour by hand. This scientist has done the same because of her research into longevity. The people making negative post on here really need to do some research. Oh and my left knee stopped hurting when I walk down stairs. Better let Wellness Mama make money than ignorant. (yum) Within about 6 weeks my knees went back to normal. It was always so frustrating that I found it so difficult to lose weight but I put it all down to my metabolic system in turmoil from the 32 years of mainstream eating habits. Not a living soul on our planet would disagree that a diet consisting primarily of organic produce is highly beneficial. Phytates exist in all plant foods providing the plant with a natural chemical protection against insects, mold and fungus, and is principal storage form of phosphorus in plants. Is this a possible symptom for someone who is intolerant to grains. The average paleolithic person died in the thirties. As opposed to the other 90% of the time before we had ready access to virtually unlimited grains. I eat meat veges thats it and some fruits. Since grains have been introduced all kinds of previously unknown diseases are raising their ugly heads. Cows are more likely to step on a teat or have it injured in some other way than develop sores from machines. Even with free range meat, these animals still end up with the same nasty violent fate the rest do. Ketoacidosis for a juvenile diabetic, type 1 is entirely different. The lady is talking from her experience and wanting to share but its not the total truth because we are learning all the time. You were right, I totally shot from the hip (for some reason the idea that it was a carb was stuck at the back of my brain). That sound more like a theory and based on personal opinion and perhaps observation. Some people use gluten free diets to mask forms of anorexia IMO. The China Study, despite the criticism, brings attention to some very strong connections between certain diseases and dietary factors. 4% of those with autoimmune thyroid disease have Celiac disease. That being said, I hope you find something that works for you. The problem with archeology is that it is a very. There is no reason why a kid should not have a bowl of oatmeal. You prove your ignorance with statements like this. I get it from the more starchy vegetables like Lima beans. So I researched again and found out that wheat causes inflammation. my knees have been swollen for quite some time, my fingers are starting to cause pain and change direction. But she was negative on the celiac or gluten because she had been gluten free for a whole year. with sensitivity. I used to love carbs too and be famished without them. I have cut grain out fir 7 days and lost 7 lbs. e. I do know that the more we learn, the more we come to the realization that meddling with nature ALWAYS comes at a price. For 10,000 years or so civilisations have expanded, evolved and flourished living on grains. There is quite a bit being left out from this grain story as you tell it, which is included in Dr. This can lead to a very dangerous condition for diabetics called ketoacidosis. You have simply barraged everyone with your self-centered opinions, most of which I can say does not appear to be backed up by any research. Whole grains, consumed in moderation, are generally considered to be a safe part of a healthy, balanced diet. My type 2 diabetes is under control, my HDL (good) cholesterol is up, my triglycerides are way down, and I look and feel great. MyPlate Calorie Tracker with Simple One-Click Tracking TM. Shudder. Between 1843 and the mid 1960s, the mineral content, including zinc, magnesium, iron, and copper, of harvested wheat grain in the experiment stayed constant. Most diseases are from lack of nutrients, caused by improper cooking methods and additives and processing from corporations making our food for us. Only with the relatively recent advent of agriculture in the last few thousand years, not enough time for our bodies or digestive systems to go through any major changes. People who claim we can eat anything we want and expect no impact are ignorant of reality. From what I understand, forgoing gain is a choice you make. I believe K2 is what used to be what W. Our bodies do have the ability to alternate its ability to get energy from two sources. I am not saying that grains have more or less nutrient as other food. And glycogen is glucose compacted by alpha 1-6 linkages and stored either in muscle or liver tissue. My brand new Wellness Mama Cookbook is now available to purchase. I eat about 2-4 servings of whole grains a day and it works for me. I was trapped in a research facility for 4 months and ate what they gave me. Thus, the phytate:mineral ratio is higher, which will make the already reduced levels of minerals in dwarf wheat even more unavailable to its consumers. If we have a dessert or candy it is considered. All of my kids are honor roll students, slim and physically fit. Modern doctors often are too quick to just prescribe pills. The ability to grow and process grains allowed the ENTIRE INVENTION of a class system. I intend to stay off wheat for the rest of my life. I raise our own field free range chickens which promotes. Not because of meat do you not know what meat does to the body really. I researched it and it was said that your body is attacking itself. (2002) also found no difference in developmental regression between two groups of children with autism (the total sample size was 473 children): vaccinated and unvaccinated. When you experiment on yourself you will see the changes, my doctor encourages not eating grains as we have seen the lie which we were all told back in the early 80s about grains finally coming to what it is now. not type 2 diabetics like me. people who died from cholesterol related illness had low HDL. I use to work at a gluten free bakery where we made everything from bread to cookies to pizza dough. She went through a very similar program with a web guy who allows himself to be called a Dr. All I can say is, I have struggled with weight gain for the last 20 years. If the company who makes the product of has some way of making money from it, they pay to make sure they get the right results. I eat beans, lentils, rice, and the few alternatives I have for eating out is usually sushi (has grains), soy burgers (grains), pizza (grains), or pasta. As for the steady decline of strength I would say that is. I am not gluten free (despite it being one of the latest food terms associated with health) because I do not react to it and do not have coeliacs. insulin resistance, diabetes) though, regardless of diagnostic bias. Many of the teeth in our mouth, which have developed over at least several hundred thousand years, are designed to grind and break down hard foods like nuts, grains and root vegetables and have little use in the mastication of meat or soft vegetables and fruit. Animal protein promotes cancer growth, whereas plant proteins reduce it. Scientists have also discovered that we only need 10% protein in our diets a day. Mercola (he as a person in my opinion may be growing in the wrong way, but overall the information and articles he provides on his site is amazing and very reliable). Not true, the brain and the heart can run on ketones produced by the liver via fat metabolism, and supposedly they work more efficiently than carbohydrates. David Perlmutter on Grain Brain, I have gone off wheat totally and am thrilled with the results. Listen to your body, if it tells you that grains and sugars and things make you feel great with no lag times in your day, then I envy you because I sure would like a nice piece of pizza or a cake with lots of icing. e. 30 pound weight gain in 3 months. Those countries you listed ate alot of carbs but prepare the rice properly they put it through a combination of processess such as fermentation, souring, sprouting and eventually cooking which helps with lowering the phytic acid. Neither is stated in any of my medica